So, I know every parent thinks their kid is the smartest kid. But seriously. Makaylee has been suprising even Mike and I. In the past month she has learned how to say and identify shapes. At 16 months old my daughter can say and point out circle, oval, diamond, triangle, star, rectangle, and we are working on square. She has also become a dangerous little parrot. If we say something, she will repeat it. I tell her she is crazy, and she repeats it right to me. So we have to really watch our language slip ups. She also said her first sentence last week, which lets Mike and I know what kind of child we will be dealing with. Her first sentence was "No Mama, no, no, no, no!" I asked her if she wanted to get dressed and that is what she replied to me. When your childs first sentence is to tell you no, you know you are in for a good battle of wills!
The fair was going on the past two weeks, and we bought season passes at Costco so that we could take Makaylee on the rides and see all the animals. You are supposed to be two to ride the rides, but Makaylee is a bigger girl, so we got her on the rides. She was not to impressed with them. She LOVED the fun house. Mike took her on the giant slide, and I took her on the swings. She enjoyed both of those, but not to impressed with either of them. I took her on the carosel, hoping that she was over the fear she developed of it a couple months back, but no such luck. She freaked out on the carosel, crying most the time on it. When we got off the ride she dived from me to Mike who was safely outside the carosel gates. She really enjoyed watching it go around though, but stayed far enough away that she was not in danger of having to ride it again. As unsuccessful as the rides were, the animals were the complete opposite. Makaylee was totally in love with the animals. We have been working on animal sounds for quite some time, and she is really good with them, but actually seeing some of the farm animals was quite different. We go to the zoo, but at the fair the animals are really close, instead of far away in a cage. She LOVED the cows, they were her favorite. Though she refuses to say cow, and instead Moo's when she wanted to go see them. I think we walked around the barns at least 5+ times and she was highly empressed each time.
Makaylee has also discovered art in the past week. She has been coloring with crayons for awhile now, but never to impressed with it. With her obsession with shapes I got the idea to cut out shapes and let her glue them on a piece of paper. She LOVED it. We did shapes, and I let her play with stickers, and crayons. She is having so much fun. She keeps going to the table and telling me she wants to color. Yesterday we tried play doh, and she was having fun with the feel of it. Of course she did keep trying to eat it. She got a little piece in her mouth, they are quick! My picky eater actually enjoyed the taste of the play doh, so she kept trying to eat more, so we had to pack up the play doh for the day. Back to the crayons and stickers.
I have been having sentimental times going through Makaylee's first year of baby clothes. Now that we know we are having a boy I can stop storing Makaylee's clothes. They are so tiny! It is amazing how much she has changed in the past 16 months. I am planning on selling the clothes on ebay, only keeping a select few.
Kaiden is doing well. I have finally gained my first 3lbs, *sniff*. He is breach at the moment, so must of his kicks are on the bottom of my belly and right into the bladder. But that makes it difficult for Mike to feel on the outside as most of them are to low. I would be worried that he is breach, except for the fact that I am having a c-sec so it is not a big deal, plus he still has plenty of time to turn around. The biggest problem of him being breach is his head is pushing and causing my heartburn to be HORRIBLE this time. With Makaylee, if I took my Zantac medication then my heartburn was mostly under control. Last night I had taken my medication and taken 4 tums and the hearburn was still horrible. My next appointment is on Oct 4 and it is my Diabetes test, which I am not looking foward to. Last time I was so sick feeling all day. Plus I hate giving blood!
I guess that is it for now. Nap time is almost over. I will try and post pics tomorrow!